Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Art of RP

So It seems that many people do not Know what RP means, which is very sad in my opinion. So here I will give you examples of it and more.
RP means Role play, no not the wizards and vampires kind, well most of the time that is, but Role play in Stardoll most of the time means becoming someone with a label in a High School, or also known as a Club.
When Can you start to RP well at any age, you explain what you are doing and what you are saying using quotations "", - -, * *, and other marks.
Rping is a very fun way to rejoin Stardoll life if you are getting bored of the same and usual routine.
Some RP Clubs:
And Many more. :)
Stardoll has now chosen the lucky final contestants!
I personally was sad to find out that one of my friends did not make it to the grand finale.
What do you think of the finalist?
 Can you find someone better? :)

1 comment:

S said...

I wanna be writer ♥ pls