Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Read for Stardollars

I couldn't find the banner I made for myself a while ago so I'm stuck with this, eh not that bad in my opinion.
I am back which you can obviously tell, I have lost plenty of followers to loose all hope in this blog (Just kidding of course,) I have absolutely no writers or anyone to help me at all but that's okay, because all I need is me.
Recently several people have been asking me what happened to me, blog wise as well as Stardoll wise, the answer?
School. Simple as that. I'm going to College this summer (yes this summer, I'm taking summer courses!) so I have busy at work at completing things for financial aid and such, as well as worrying about school since I've been lacking motivation this past two months. I'm mostly done with everything now and think I can continue with the blog as well as Stardoll now.

If you ever look at the broadcasts and click those who are asking to be voted covergirl, many of them, on their presentation offer stardollars for votes.
If you don't know what that is called I'll enlighten you, it's bribery.
If you're still confused let me give you the definition right off of Google.


The giving or offering of a bribe.

If you don't know what bribe is,


Persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement.
A sum of money or other inducement offered or given in this way.

Did that help you out?
To bribe people is not illegal nor is it against the rules of Stardoll but that still does not justify it.
Fact. Most Stardollians who bribe others don't even give the people the money or the items they offer, they either say they already gave out the prize when they didn't or pretend they have to a fake doll.
Meaning it's mostly a fraud.
I know for a fact that this is done since I have several friends who have done this to achieve their goal of getting Covergirl, which they did get, while not actually doing what they were supposed to do.

So next time you come across someone who's asking for your vote in exchange for money think twice before you hit all five stars.

This type of cheating on Stardoll is not the only type, more and more Stardollians are coming up with ways to get to their goal not caring if they deserved the prize they tried to get.

Changing your country to a smaller one is also frequently done.

In countries such as Russia and the United States and others it's difficult to win Covergirl with so many other competitors.
In other smaller countries it's easier to get covergirl and with just a few broadcasts you can become covergirl, while representing a country that you might not even know!

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