Saturday, February 26, 2011

Selling accounts

Yes, do you think that's okay? I think it's okay if you really don't want it anymore and prefer stardollars. 
Same with trading, if both of you would like to trade, then do it, but if you fool the other one and just take it, it's not okay. Happened to me twice. :(

Unfortunately, Stardoll has banned that from happening, but people still do it.
I had a account, and I kept on getting these mails saying I wasn't loud to do that.
I ignored in and kept on going, so at last it got deleted. It had 3500+ sp, and it happened this month! It was called Pinkylibby465. Can you please send a mail to Stardoll and ask if they can activate my account? Mant__* broke the rules, but when enough people asked, they activated the account!

So please, send a mail so I can have my account back! It was Stardoll Royalty and had 300+ stardollars.

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