Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stardoll Updating?

At First I thought nothing of it you know?
Just Stardoll being slow but then I started thinking...
What If they are updating Stardoll as in adding the Beach Villa?
Remember the minutes or hours before the big Stardoll makeover?
The Bad connection that slowed our Lovely SD down?
Well it seems the same thing is happening now.
My Shop is running slower.
It took me multiple click on going to Startpage to let me log in, or visit my suite, or just go around dolly land.
Is it just me or is something happening to SD that might be...
Beach Villa.
Or Is my computer just very sucky.
Hm....Who knows?
Just tell me Is this happening to you?

Now Onto Our blogs history I'll post almost every single pick that I have on my little blog her.
-Sigh- My First post.
So Much memories to me.
It even has the date!
Remember that "hideous" bag?
Which I actually loved but never bought.
This Post was simple plain and well boring..

Yet another boring Post.
What was up with me and Microsoft word?
Who knows?
Oh Lord so many memories....
My Suite...Oh God...My Medoll.
So Much has changed.
And Again with the Microsoft!
This I believe was our "amazing" header. -_-

 My Very bad make-up tutorials,
Can I say anything else?

 This was one of our other headers.. 
Not amazing but at least I moved away from microsoft.
 My Attempt and fail at a decent header.
I actually love this header. But It Didn't have Bloom and I was hidden behind works,
 An Attempt at another Header,
 My banner which I still sometimes use.
My Christmas Banner.
 The Best Graphicish thing I have ever done.
 My Attempt at a logos.

 By Ebonymeme.
 Now our final Header.
 The Header for my other Blog.

 My banner for my other older Blog.
 My Banner. ♥
My attempt at a Graphic.
That's About it.
I took away some of the other things.
That would take up to much space.
After all this is a very long post. 

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