Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Do I Think: Beach Villa

When It was released, Yesterday, I could not help myself from grabbing this "amazing" new suite.
But once I bought it it seems my excitement for it had seemed to well...fade.
Why is that?
Well a lot of people assumed the Beach Villa would be not just two floors..But more...I thought the Same.
I was a bit well...disappointed to find out it was two floors that you could decorate that were beach themed.
What I did not like was well... that in the suite shop there was only a few things that could be used for the beach. I want more of seashells, small rocks, and things you would find in the beach.
And I also wanted cheaper stuff.
Did you see one of the dogs?
It Cost 40 Stardollars!
I think it might have been a glitch that was supposed to be 40 starcoins.
But who knows?
I'll check to see if they changed it.
Now on what I think is good of Beach Villa.
I actually love the design of the The Villa..yes I might have wanted more but how pretty it looked satisfied most of my expectations.
It seems as if Stardoll really was into planning the Design of the Villa.
We Have our own pool which has steam (hottub?)
our own little boat and lighthouse in one of the rooms.
The options are really good.
You can make it rain,
have a rainbow,
almost everything.
But I still want a snow or wind option.
Rain or shine,
I'll be At My Beach Villa.

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