Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Smell Free Stardollars

After all the try and fails on doing a comp for the blog, I found one that went very well with one of my friends, so I thought:
What the heck let me give it a try!
So the comp?
Invite as many people you can to the CLUB!
Gets 150 or so stardollars or hell whatever I have left thats over that amount.
And with that I'll move on.
Seems Like one of the Stardoll "Elites" has left,
Her account seems to have been deleted.
I never talked to her or anything, But What I could tell from several blogs is that she was well known,
she's done a graphic for one of my friend's blogs.
What do you think?
Will this girl be gone long?
Now..My dear friends I will like to welcome someone who shares my account,
She's 16 years Old and Lives in Massachusetts.
Oh I almost forgot...Be careful what you post on Stardoll that involves the word Hate,
since that word is now blocked.
Oh God. 
It;s just utterly retarded and I hate using that term.
What will they block next?
And I'm making a new playlist for the blog.
Tell me.

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