Sunday, March 6, 2011

Vent-The Bitch

Have you seen a blog about Miss_LolitaF (I think thats her name I amn not good witth the "Elites" names)
I'ts a hate Blog.
All about how she is Lying about where she lives which leads me to say "WHAT THE FUCK?"
Are people that obsessed with her?
If she wants to lie about where she lives let her!! 
Ask all your friends most of them have Lied about something.
Take the owner of the Blog, My real life friend.
What has she Lied about you May ask?
You think her names Cynthia? Well it's not Honey, it's her middle name.
Her real names fuckin Evaline (Eva)
Sheesh if Miss_LolitaF wants to lie what the fuck..Its none of OUR buisness Let her live her life.
GOD. -mutters random words under breath-

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